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Friday, 2 August 2013



So.... BB was a short show tonight and not too much was going on with our favourite HM ED...

Luckily he is saving his energy as little does he know he will need it for tomorrow night when the Saturday Showdown begins!

Saturday Showdown is a weekly live games task that is running for the first four weeks of the show. Apparently the games will involve a combination of brains, physical ability and strategy. It's suspected that the twist will somehow affect the winner of the Saturday Showdown and the winner(s) will win special house privileges... But what will they be and what will this mean for Ed????

"Results and rewards from the showdown will have something to do with making them feel there's a bit of a hierarchy in the house." Host Shelly Craft told the Sunday Telegraph

So how will Ed or "Prince Charming" perform tomorrow night?

Saturday Showdown commentator and BB 2012 finalist, Michael Beveridge, tips Ed (or "Adelaide's favourite son" and "Melbourne's favourite man") as tomorrow's winner, suspecting that his sporting abilities will set him well ahead of his opponents...

We all know Ed is physically fit but just how will he go with the mental challenges???

Here is a taste for what's to come tomorrow night... #goed #BBAU #team_ed #edlowerbb2013winner

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