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Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Ed in the 'Nomination Chamber'
Nomination night is here! Lucky for Ed, he got through tonight unscathed, no thanks to Tahan's 'tactical vote'!

Interesting fact: 5 out of the 6 nominees are former Safe Housemates.

Tonight's show certainly exposed Tully's 'psychopathic' side. If she's finding things hard on day 9, imagine day 10...? Maybe the stress of the looming nominations was enough to send her mad. Being a social media expert, I'm sure she'll know deep down that social media would be going into melt down over her melt down tonight!

So in case you all missed it or switched off during Ed's heart felt explanation of his reasons behind his nominations, Ed voted Mikkayla (3) and Tim (2) to be evicted, with a lot of umm and ahh'ing in the middle! Would you have voted differently if you were Ed?

The week ahead will see Ed in the Safehouse with Tahan (which will make for an interesting week of made up love stories) Matt, Caleb, Ben (maybe more made up love stories?), Xavier, Heidi, Tully and the new late comers Lucy, Katie and Rohan. In our households opinion... he's done pretty well! Stoked he's safe for another week.

Help keep Ed in the BB House..! #team_ed

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blog Nick! You are such a lovely dedicated big brother :)



    #teamed #iknowhashtagsdontworkonblogs #dontcare #edftw
