Signup for Ed

Friday, 27 September 2013


Watching Tahan wax Ed's chest brought tears to my eyes, it would have been impossible to laugh after that, especially as Tahan wasn't ripping it off properly!! Ed has never had his chest waxed before either!

I can see Ed has been trying to confront Tim a bit more. Like Nick, I can't stand the way Tim talks about Ed and calls him "gutless" as it's completely not true. It's not in Ed's nature to step on people's toes and cause unwanted and awkward confrontation like Tim does.

I am going up for the eviction show this week so it will be interesting to meet all the families and see what they have to say!!!

Please vote this week to keep Ed safe. We have seen favourite housemates like Caleb, Matt and Heidi leave because people thought they would be safe and didn't vote. Don't let this happen to Ed!!!

Meanwhile are jade and ed in love???

Keep watching to see the female intruders enter and what this does to the dynamics of the house...



  1. I don't think they are in love as well. In the confine space of the bb hse, sure they wld like to find comfort from each other as they are both single. I simply think jade got no one else to blame simply because she knows ed doesnt want anything serious, yet she just kept convincing herself that she can change the fact by keep persuing him...while ed simply thinks jade understand what he's coming from and wldn't mind to hv to fun... If he knew she's that serious n obsessed, sure he wldnt keep leading her on. And as they are locked in, you just can't reject a person like one did on the outside as there's no where to hide in the hse! It wld make things even more awkward..i hope ed doesn't fall for or hook up wif the other girl intruder as well as it will only create more publin backlash:(

  2. I think being in that house makes everything weird. Like cabin fever a bit. Ed did great laughing. Must have been hard to do.

    The new girl looks kinda mean and superficial. Like she doesn't have a kind heart at all. But that's just from pictures. She might be nice.

    Caleb, Matt, and Heidi did not leave because people thought they were safe. They left because they are not popular and people wanted them gone. In the house people thought that group and Ed are the popular ones, but outside the house that group and Ed are the least popular. Drew was the most popular until Tully happened. Now he's way down on that list. Jade is popular still and so are Tim and Ben. Tim's popularity could go down though if he takes things too far now that Justynn is there.

    Matt, Caleb, and Ed didn't do much of anything in the house except lift weights. They were boring. Ed is still there because Jade gave him a story with her interest in him. But that's wearing thin because now it looks like he's stringing her along (planting his boxers and then telling Tahan you make do with what you have) and people love Jade. Heidi left because she was rude/loud and her leaving brightened the house up.

  3. I think they have all said nasty things about each other. Tim just says what we all think. I can't wait to see Jade's reaction when she know Ed voted for her, and that is why he saved Tim and not her. She'll properly still 'love' him.

  4. You're so ridiculous for constantly degrading Jade. Have you for ONE SECOND thought about how wonderfully she treats Ed? Do you think she would nominate him like he has her? Also, have you looked at the polls?! Did you notice that Jade is slightly more popular than your "Prince Charming" (who isn't very princely). Wow. Good luck.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We all understand that this blog is run by ED's family to support him and to gain votes but it is quite degrading that his family will steep low enough to humiliate Jade. ED is a big boy and the chances of him winning when compared to statistics is very low. He can answer for his own actions and does not need his family to answer it for him. For them to use this blog as a platform to degrade Jade and say that she is not good enough and portraying her as some kind of crazy sick loved puppy is not called for. It just shows that ED family is desperate enough to lower the image of another housemate just so that ED can gain more votes. Jade like everyone has her own insecurities, everybody knows it. There is no need to state the obvious for the sake of lowering someone's image in the you are hoping your brother will win.

  7. Jade has a great body, average face, she is a snake and a backstabber. She is insecure, so she should be - she is dumb (she said it herself) and is kind of a girl that men use to have some fun with but not to marry, unless they are desperate.
    Ed clearly told her numerous times that THIS is not a relationship but she chooses to ignore that - that is her problem, not Ed's.

  8. Not sure where you got the idea Jade is a snake and a backstabber?
    Yes, we all have our insecurities, I agree Jade was vulnerable coming into the house and has some issues. In the ideal world kids grow up in a strong happy family unit which nurtures their self esteem, I don't think Jade experienced that childhood, although I am sure Jade's family love her very much I think there were hard times. On the plus side I am sure Jade is the caring, kind, understanding woman she is today due to those circumstances. With a strong support network in her life she should gain the confidence to overcome her insecurities. As for being dumb, Jade spoke of having dyslexia which made reading/learning difficult. Dyslexia has no correlation to intelligence. Apparently her modelling career started in her teens which ended formal her education early, I am guessing that's why she perceives herself as being dumb. Watching her in the challenges etc. I've noticed she picks general concepts up very quickly and has no difficulty following instructions. As to your comment "the kind of girl men use to have some fun with but not marry" now that that's one dumb statement to make.....what century are you from?

  9. Ed is boring. The only reason the authors of this blog think hes so exciting is because they are boring too. Can you produce but one anecdote illustrating Eds 'wild side' that doesnt involve these CARAYZEE coloured shoe laces you keep banging on about? Thought not.
    Just admit it, youre all boring, offensive and semi illiterate as evidenced by this blog.

  10. I imagine Eds 'wild side' consists of a slew of pathetic drunken sexual encounters and other purile alcohol fueled behaviour, including but not limited to, homoerotic activities with his footy mates. Am I getting warm?
